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American Insights’ recent statewide poll of 611 North Carolina registered voters finds that they disapprove of President Obama’s job performance by a margin of 6 points (43% approve versus 49% disapprove). 38% strongly disapprove while 24% strongly approve.
Independents disapprove of the job President Obama is doing by 32 points (29%-61%). 87% of Republicans disapprove with 10% approving, while 80% of Democrats approve with 13% disapproving. Younger voters (18-34) are the only age group approving of the President, 48% to 42%. Older voters (65+) disapprove by a 19 point margin (37%-56%). While he is on even ground with women (46%-47%), men disapprove of his performance by 12 points (40%-52%).
The poll also found that voters, by a 10 point margin, do not want to see “President Obama’s agenda implemented on the state level in North Carolina” (38%-48%).
By a more than 2-to-1 margin, Independents are opposed to the idea of the President’s agenda being implemented in North Carolina, with 26% in favor and 61% against. 74% of Democrats would like to see the President’s agenda implemented in the state (74%-11%) while 84% of Republicans would not (7%-84%). Younger voters (18-34) are the only age group desiring the President’s agenda at the state level, 50% to 42%. Twice as many older voters (65+) oppose the idea (56%) than want to see the President’s agenda implemented in North Carolina (28%). Men are more opposed to the idea (37%-53%) than women (40%-44%).
On the topic of health care reform, the recent rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has given 50% of voters less confidence in government and made only 19% more confident. It had no impact on the confidence in government of 23% of voters.
62% of Independents now have less confidence in government as a result of the ACA rollout, while only 15% have more confidence. The rollout gave 82% of Republicans less confidence (4%-82%) and 35% of Democrats more confidence (35%-18%). 36% of the President’s party reported no impact. Men (17%-51%) and women (21%-49%) now have less confidence in government by margins of 34 points and 28 points, respectively.
Looking toward the 2014 national midterm elections, North Carolina voters favor Republican congressional candidates over Democrats by 6 points, 44% to 38%. 32% say they would definitely vote for the Republican candidate if the midterms were held today, while 25% would definitely vote for the Democrat.
Independents would support the Republican congressional candidate over the Democrat by 18 points, 43% to 25%. 94% of Republicans support their party’s candidate while 78% of Democrats support theirs. Younger voters (18-34) favor Democratic candidates by a margin of 8 points (40%-32%), while older voters (65+) favor Republicans by a margin of 23 points (57%-34%). The middle two age groups both favor Republican candidates by 4 points. Female voters split their support evenly at 41% Republican to 40% Democrat, but men drive the overall Republican advantage with 47% support to 36% for Democrats.
When looking at how voters’ approval of the President correlates with their sentiments on other questions, we find that 73% of those who approve of President Obama’s job performance would vote for the Democratic candidate for US Congress while 13% would vote for the Republican. 75% of those who disapprove of the President’s performance back the Republican congressional candidate while only 7% back the Democrat. Democratic congressional candidates enjoy double the support of Republicans among the 6% undecided on the President’s performance (38%-19%).
76% of those who approve of Obama’s performance would like to see his agenda implemented on the state level in North Carolina while 84% of those who disapprove would not like to see his agenda in North Carolina. Of the 6% who are undecided on the President’s performance, 41% would not like to see his agenda in NC, while 28% would.
For full results, click here.
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