American Insights’ recent statewide poll of 611 North Carolina registered voters finds that Governor Pat McCrory enjoys a slightly positive approval rating at 43% to 40%. 19% strongly approve of his performance in office while 27% strongly disapprove.
McCrory’s net approval stands at negative 2 with Independents (39%-41%), but his Republican base is better consolidated in his favor, at 70% approval, than Democrats are in disapproval, 59%. Women are evenly divided at 41% in assessing the Governor, but men approve of the job he is doing 46% to 39%. He earns a net approval of positive 3 from the 18-34 age group (40%-37%) and is strongly supported by those aged 65+, 52% to 34%. The middle age groups, 35 to 49 and 50 to 64, disapprove of McCrory’s job performance by four points and six points respectively.
Governor McCrory currently leads in a potential 2016 re-election matchup against Attorney General Roy Cooper 44% to 38%, a 6 point advantage outside the poll’s 4-point margin of error. 30% definitely would vote for McCrory while 24% would definitely vote for Cooper.
McCrory leads Cooper among Independents 44% to 35% and attracts 79% of the Republican vote while Cooper earns 66% of the Democratic vote. Men favor McCrory over Cooper by 10 points (47%-37%); the Governor holds a smaller, 3 point advantage among female voters (42%-39%). McCrory only trails Cooper with voters age 18-34 by 2 points, 39% to 41%, but is further behind, 9 points, among 35-49 year olds (37%-46%). Voters 50-64 give McCrory a 7 point (44%-37%) advantage, which grows to 27 points (57%-30%) among the oldest, 65+, voters.
Among those who approve of Governor McCrory’s job in office, he leads Cooper 77% to 14%. Among those who disapprove of his performance, McCrory trails Cooper 13% to 73%. Among the 14% who are currently undecided regarding the Governor’s performance, he leads Cooper in the likely matchup 31% to 15%, with 44% undecided on the potential 2016 ballot as well.
For full results, click here.
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