
Hollywood Reporter: ‘Exodus’: Christian Audiences Say Their Attendance Will Depend on Adaptation’s Accuracy

While spine-to-screen adaptations have always been popular, a handful of this year’s offerings have zoomed in on one particular text: the Bible. 

First, husband-and-wife producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey compiled and expanded their Bible miniseries to narrate the story of Jesus Christ in Son of God, released in February and grossing $67 million worldwide. Then, Darren Aronofsky directed Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly in the film epic Noah, released in March and grossing $356 million worldwide, despite being banned in several countries.

And this December, Ridley Scott will unveil Exodus: Gods and Kings, the Fox film that follows the story of Moses (Christian Bale) and the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt.

Additionally, big-screen releases such as Moms’ Night Out (the “mom-com” starring Sarah Drew, Patricia Heaton and Andrea Logan White), God’s Not Dead (in which a student debates his professor over God’s existence) and Heaven Is for Real (the book adaption starring Greg Kinnear) each have hoped to lure faith-based audiences to the theaters.

According to a new American Insights survey of 1,200 respondents from Oxford-based Christian News Service, two-thirds of all adults and 74 percent of Christians are likely to see a movie related to God. However, 79 percent of those polled believe “historical and biblical accuracy is important.” In regard to Exodus, 80 percent of the Christian respondents plan to see the Scott film if it remains true to biblical accounts, compared to 29 percent if it does not. 

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